Source code for confuse.util

import os
import sys
import argparse
import optparse
import platform
import pkgutil

UNIX_DIR_FALLBACK = '~/.config'
WINDOWS_DIR_FALLBACK = '~\\AppData\\Roaming'
MAC_DIR = '~/Library/Application Support'

[docs] def iter_first(sequence): """Get the first element from an iterable or raise a ValueError if the iterator generates no values. """ it = iter(sequence) try: return next(it) except StopIteration: raise ValueError()
[docs] def namespace_to_dict(obj): """If obj is argparse.Namespace or optparse.Values we'll return a dict representation of it, else return the original object. Redefine this method if using other parsers. :param obj: * :return: :rtype: dict or * """ if isinstance(obj, (argparse.Namespace, optparse.Values)): return vars(obj) return obj
[docs] def build_dict(obj, sep='', keep_none=False): """Recursively builds a dictionary from an argparse.Namespace, optparse.Values, or dict object. Additionally, if `sep` is a non-empty string, the keys will be split by `sep` and expanded into a nested dict. Keys with a `None` value are dropped by default to avoid unsetting options but can be kept by setting `keep_none` to `True`. :param obj: Namespace, Values, or dict to iterate over. Other values will simply be returned. :type obj: argparse.Namespace or optparse.Values or dict or * :param sep: Separator to use for splitting properties/keys of `obj` for expansion into nested dictionaries. :type sep: str :param keep_none: Whether to keep keys whose value is `None`. :type keep_none: bool :return: A new dictionary or the value passed if obj was not a dict, Namespace, or Values. :rtype: dict or * """ # We expect our root object to be a dict, but it may come in as # a namespace obj = namespace_to_dict(obj) # We only deal with dictionaries if not isinstance(obj, dict): return obj # Get keys iterator keys = obj.keys() if sep: # Splitting keys by `sep` needs sorted keys to prevent parents # from clobbering children keys = sorted(list(keys)) output = {} for key in keys: value = obj[key] if value is None and not keep_none: # Avoid unset options. continue save_to = output result = build_dict(value, sep, keep_none) if sep: # Split keys by `sep` as this signifies nesting split = key.split(sep) if len(split) > 1: # The last index will be the key we assign result to key = split.pop() # Build the dict tree if needed and change where # we're saving to for child_key in split: if child_key in save_to and \ isinstance(save_to[child_key], dict): save_to = save_to[child_key] else: # Clobber or create save_to[child_key] = {} save_to = save_to[child_key] # Save if key in save_to: save_to[key].update(result) else: save_to[key] = result return output
# Config file paths, including platform-specific paths and in-package # defaults.
[docs] def find_package_path(name): """Returns the path to the package containing the named module or None if the path could not be identified (e.g., if ``name == "__main__"``). """ # Based on get_root_path from Flask by Armin Ronacher. loader = pkgutil.get_loader(name) if loader is None or name == '__main__': return None if hasattr(loader, 'get_filename'): filepath = loader.get_filename(name) else: # Fall back to importing the specified module. __import__(name) filepath = sys.modules[name].__file__ return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filepath))
[docs] def xdg_config_dirs(): """Returns a list of paths taken from the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment varibables if they exist """ paths = [] if 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME' in os.environ: paths.append(os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME']) if 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS' in os.environ: paths.extend(os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'].split(':')) else: paths.append('/etc/xdg') paths.append('/etc') return paths
[docs] def config_dirs(): """Return a platform-specific list of candidates for user configuration directories on the system. The candidates are in order of priority, from highest to lowest. The last element is the "fallback" location to be used when no higher-priority config file exists. """ paths = [] if platform.system() == 'Darwin': paths.append(UNIX_DIR_FALLBACK) paths.append(MAC_DIR) paths.extend(xdg_config_dirs()) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': paths.append(WINDOWS_DIR_FALLBACK) if WINDOWS_DIR_VAR in os.environ: paths.append(os.environ[WINDOWS_DIR_VAR]) else: # Assume Unix. paths.append(UNIX_DIR_FALLBACK) paths.extend(xdg_config_dirs()) # Expand and deduplicate paths. out = [] for path in paths: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if path not in out: out.append(path) return out